středa 26. listopadu 2014

I don't want to forget

Ahojte. Překvapuju sama sebe, že ta blíže nespecifikovaná středa je tak brzo. Tentokrát je tématem Doctor Who. Přesněji řečeno Donna Noble. Časově to je zasazeno 10-15 let po tom, co musela zapomenout.
UPOZORNĚNÍ: angličtina :D
upozornění 2: smutné
upozornění 3: krátké 
prosím-nejsem nějaký englišexpert :D jenom mě to baví a snažím se. Tak kdyžtak...nezabit-danke :)

Ohledně mě...včera jsem zjistila, že dvě sedla neunesu, takže jsem na sebe trošku naštvaná, ale zase se mi podařilo přimět školičkového koně ke spolupráci, takže jsem i ráda. Člověk nesmí chtít hned všechno, že?

„Mom. I want to watch finding the Nemo with you. Please.“ Young girl called from the livingroom.
„Okay Lusy. Let’s watch“ answered the red-haired woman and sat next to her.
                They were watching and strange noise coming from the street came absolutely unnoticed. After all, it last not even a minute until it stopped. The father of Nemo just met the Dorry and the wierd blue fish made younger girl laugh. After not long time, the father of lucy came home and they all watched the movie together.
                There was a scene, when Dorry said something sad.
„I don’t want to forget.“ The fish said. But after not even a minute she forgot what she didn’t want to forgot.
„Donna? Are you crying?“ her husband asked her sudenly.
„No. Why?“ she said automatically, but the she noticed few tears running down her face. „I don’t know why. I‘m happy as I can be. It must be some sort of allergic.“ She said and they all continued watching movie.
                A man in a blue suit stood in front of the house for a minute.  The he turned around and stepped into a blue police box, which was never seen in this area, but it looked like it was here for ages. Then strange noise started again and the box disappeard in flashes of blue-ish light.
                Donna Noble never in her lifetime discovered, why she always has that feeling, like she forgot to do something. She died in sleep after long and happy live, but she didn’t remembered the best of it. But still, she was happy. At her funeral, strange man came and stood for a while above her grave. There was also spotted a blue box appearing in the morning and disappearing again later.

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