čtvrtek 10. září 2015

The story of one rabbit

tak jsem tu zase. Povídka je sice anglicky ale to zvládnete, já vám věřím.
This story might or might not be inspired by MontyPython

                Once upon a time, in the land far away, there lived a rabbit. Said rabbit was very sad, because it took him really long to get anywhere. This caused the rabbit to turn evil. He became anxious, upset,  and mad for actually no reason. Each morning, he woke up with annoyed face, ate some carrots for breakfast and started to plot an evil plan. He moved to cellar and his evil laughter echoed the halls. One day it all stopped. The dining room was empty, carrots untouched. Halls remained silent all day. Everything stood still and quiet as in expecting of hurricane.  And hurricane came. At three o’clock in the afternoon a horrible noise started in the cellar and pitch black smoke filled the air. Then the doors opened.
Rabbit rode out of his house in the car, which he was building all these weeks. All his valuables was there with him, as he decided to move to some better place. He drove through the wilderness until city appeared in front of him.
                Now there he is. In the city, living in small apartment, struggling to find a job and start a new life in the city. And he dreams about the peaceful, calm life in the land Far away, which he treacherously forsake.
The end

2 komentáře:

  1. Wow! Máš skvělou angličtinu. Věděla jsem to, Ann mi to řekla. :D
    Já bych si na to asi netroufla. Jinak, velmi mě to zaujalo, zajímavý příběh. Oceňuji začátek: Once upon a time. :-)

  2. Děkuju :3
    Jinak není důvod k panice, tvůrčí krize (snad) opadá :)
