Všechno nejlepší do nového roku. Nebudu vám sem psát nesmysly typu -nový rok, nová já- to prostě nejde. Takže vás ode mě čekají nejspíš samé opožděně vydané příspěvky...a stále stejné šílené nápady.
Pro ty, kteří už viděli Strážce galaxie...budu ráda, když mi do komentářů napíšete vaše tipy, kdo je Peterův otec (vzhledem k tomu, že to prý nebude ten stejný, co v komixech). Případně se podělte o oblíbenou hlášku. Moje je nejspíš 'I am groot' :D
Dnešní příspěvek je na téma Doctor who.
The kid
woke up with fear in his eyes. He looked around the room.
“Again that
nightmare about monster?” Older boy lying on the bed across the room asked him
doctor” the child replied. “He keeps returning. I’m afraid” he sobbed slightly
“It’s okay
to fear you know?” Doctor said “Everybody is afraid of something. Even
monsters” He smiled at the younger boy.
“And what
they are afraid of?” the little one asked from beneath the blanket where he was
“Me” older
one replied simply. Pair of eyes appeared and shined with curiosity
“But when
everybody is afraid of something, and you are not afraid of monsters, because
they are afraid of you, what are YOU afraid then?” he asked
afraid, that my little brother won’t shut up all night” older one replied,
which made the younger boy chuckle.
“I’m sorry”
he said
okay. What are brothers for, expect annoying each other?” smiled the Doctor and
lied again
“Good night
Doctor-brother” younger boy called from his bed
“Good night
Master-brother” the older one replied. But this time it was him, who couldn’t
fall asleep.
Master, no
matter how young he was, he was very clever.
is afraid of something.
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